Presents it’s first ever

“Alumni Summer Gathering”


Onteora Scout Reservation
Saturday August 2nd 2003

Come join past and present staff and scouts at Onteora for a fun filled day and help to join in the grand “full-time” reopening of the Land in the Sky. If you have not been to Onteora for a while or are just looking for another reason to go why not make a trip back “home” and see the camp in full operation.


The day’s activities will start at noon and will include:


Tours of the camp, a ceremony dedicating the new C.O.P.E. Course,

patch trading and of course time to see and experience all the program areas of camp.

Dinner will be provided

and the day will conclude after a traditional Onteora campfire.

Cost for the day is $10 per person.


Please send the completed form below along with a check made payable to:

Theodore Roosevelt Council, BSA
544 Broadway

, NY 11758-1050


Registration fee covers dinner and a commemorative patch well as insurance/fees. Please register by July 26th.


 For further information contact Victor Varonier at (631) 821-2463 or Marc Ryan at (516) 797-7600 x 112.

Internet users: check out: and


“In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Theodore Roosevelt Council, BSA will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities.  Please call 516-797-7600 with your request.” 



Mail or drop off your registration to the TR Council Service Center, 544 Broadway Massapequa, NY 11758

(Council Office Phone: 516-797-7600)






City ______________________ State_________________


Phone: (h)_________________  (w)__________________




 ________   participants @ $10.00 each =        $ ___________ 


Please make checks payable to:

“Theodore Roosevelt Council, BSA”


Acct # 1-2306-943-00