Onteora Scout Reservation Photo Album
Part 12 - Mike Brenner's Photos - Page 2

Luxury housing in the maintenance area (1968).
Scouts line up for bargains at the Trading Post (1968).
Staff members serve the anxious crowd (1968).
A tribute to Ralph Foster? I was proud to participate in this epic event, along with Mike Brenner and Tom Dede among others. Odd that I wouldn't admit that to Ralph back then... (1968).
This shot of the amphitheatre gives a good idea of the size of the stage and the number of dancers who participated in the camp fires (1968).
Ken South with the 1968 staff.

Click here for the next page of Mike's photos.

If you have any photos of your own please let me know. In the meantime, you can head back to the main Onteora page or the main Photos Page.