Day 11 - Tuesday, 8/8/67

Part 5

Lunch Time!

Lunch Time!

After our unplanned detour in the Grand Tetons, our lunch stop was late and we were all tired and hungry. We stopped here along the Black River, which was a nice break. I remember watching a fisherman in hip boots, and from his lack of success, decided he was probably there for the view. I also remember thinking the scenery was right out of any number of westerns - I was expecting to see the Indians ride up over the hills in search of a wagon train.

The cliffs across the river

The cliffs across the river

While our side of the river was relatively flat, there were some very impressive cliffs on the opposite side. I remember the stark contrast between the arid cliffs and the water flowing right below them. There sure wasn't much vegetation, even right at the water's edge.

Fisherman trying his luck

Fisherman trying his luck

Here's the fisherman I mentioned earlier. This picture is a good illustration of the cliffs on one side and the flatness on the other.

Looking down the river

Looking down the river

Another picture that shows how dry the surrounding countryside was.

The Painted Desert

The Painted Desert

Taken from the bus as we rushed through the area, this picture shows how the rock levels looked like they were painted, hence the name! It was interesting to see how clearly the strata could be seen, as I can't recall ever seeing anything like this in New York.

Luxurious accommodations

Luxurious accommodations

While the dorms at the University of Wyoming were rather Spartan, we were very glad to see them after such a long day. We were on the road for over 15 hours. I think this was our longest day, but also one of the best on the road.

Daily guide